
Why you need a building inspection before selling or buying a home 14 July 2021


The real cost of skipping a prepurchase building inspection 14 July 2021


The different types of building inspection services we offer 14 July 2021


Meth testing - how to look for warning signs in a new home 14 July 2021


Moisture detection services using the latest thermal technology 14 July 2021


How to avoid buying a leaky home 14 July 2021

Who are HS Building Inspections?​

​HS Building Inspections specialise in full comprehensive, non-invasive reports on your home and property. Our professional and highly experienced team are qualified to undertake building inspections, including thermographic, structural and electrical inspections.

Experienced, Registered and Certified

Easy to understand

Independent reports with no vested interest

We can make the invisible visible